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The Yorkshire Dales Food & Drink Fest


‘Ow Do! 

We went to the notorious Yorkshire Dales Food & Drink Festival back in July where our T-shirts and award-winning tipples went down a storm! We were chuffed to be surrounded by fellow Yorkshire Businesses and to top it all off the sun made the rarest of appearances.

One memory of the event that will stick with me forever is a young, proper Yorkshire chap who tasted our Gin and said profoundly ‘’Ey It’s alright is this’’ which outside of Yorkshire translates to ‘this is really, REALLY nice’’. 

We even had one Customer request to taste our Sloe Gin after nostalgically reminiscing about the Sloe Gin he’d have every year that his nan made. He took one sip of ours and looked at his nan, who was stood at the side of him, and said ‘blumin'eck that’s good it’s even better than what me nan makes!’’ He got a swift clipping round the lug’ole but nonetheless he still took a bottle home with him. 

You can’t beat Yorkshire folk! (although this lad’s nan gave it a go)

Once again, we just want to say a huge thankyou to anyone who came round to see us, sup us and support us!



Bee & The Little Red Berry Co Team. 

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